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Close up of woman holding banknotes in front of her face

How much does it cost to get dentures?

When getting dentures there are a lot of factors to consider, including fit, function, cosmetics, and comfort. Each of these four disciplines involves different levels of clinical and technical skill, expertise, and experience. All these factors, along with material quality and time input influence the cost of your dentures. This is why denture costs vary … Read more


Discover 5 negative effects of wearing dentures 24/7

Although you can wear your dentures all the time it is not advised. Leaving your dentures in 24/7 can cause several health issues and can reduce the life of your dentures. It is recommended that you remove your dentures while you sleep to allow the mouth to rest, prevent oral hygiene issues and to prevent faster wear of your dentures.

So, what would happen if you left your dentures in 24/7?

A dentist visiting a patient in his studio

Clinical Dental Technician tips to prepare for dentures

If you are considering getting dentures you might be unsure about what the process includes and what to expect next. Wearing dentures can provide you with a lot of benefits, however the change can often be daunting non the less. We hope by the end of this article you feel more confident in your decision to get dentures, what this process entails and how to prepare.

Close up of hands with blue medical gloves repairing dentures

How to know if you need a denture repair

Dentures are incredibly durable, however- much like natural teeth- they require regular care or maintenance. In order to maintain the quality, functionality, and aesthetics of your dentures it may be necessary to seek occasional repairs. Different levels of care and maintenance may be required throughout the life of your dentures depending on the severity of the damage or issues they are causing you.