If you are considering getting dentures you might be unsure about what the process includes and what to expect next. Wearing dentures can provide you with a lot of benefits, however the change can often be daunting non the less. We hope by the end of this article you feel more confident in your decision to get dentures, what this process entails and how to prepare.
1. Get the right dentures for your needs
There are multiple types of dentures that cater to different needs. The best dentures for you will vary depending on budget, number of teeth required, and oral health. Although your dental technician will be able to provide you with the right options for your situation it can help to have an idea yourself before going to your appointment.
Dentures can be used for a range of reasons, from replacing a single tooth, to replacing a whole set of teeth. There are four common dental types:
• Complete dentures
• Partial dentures
• Immediate dentures
• Implant supported dentures
If you only need to replace a few missing teeth then a partial denture would be well suited to your needs, however, if you need to replace a full set of teeth there are several sets of full dentures you could get.
If you’re considering dentures but are not sure which ones are right for you, take a look at our denture guide to find the best dentures for your circumstances.
2. Getting dentures is a multi-step process
When getting new dentures, a consultation is an important step. This initial consultation will provide your dental technician with a detailed evaluation of your teeth, allowing them to create a thorough plan just for you. This plan may include minor oral surgery to prepare the mouth for dentures, such as tooth removal. After this consultation, your denture technician will be able to discuss the types of dentures available to you and the procedures involved.
The consultation structure will vary depending on the clinic, however at Kevin Manners Denture Clinic we recommend four to five consultations before fitting your dentures.
1. Free dental consultation and oral examination
2. Take impressions of the upper and lower jaw
3. Occlusive registration, where we work out the relationship between the upper and lower jaws
4. View the wax trial dentures in the mouth and complete final alterations
5. Repeat appointment four if necessary
Find out more about what to expect during our consultation process.
3. Allow time to get used to your dentures
Getting dentures can be a big change and often takes a while to get used to. Initially, dentures can feel a little uncomfortable and make day to day tasks harder and more time consuming. These issues are usually temporary and should reduce and go with time. There are some things you can do during the first few weeks to get used to wearing your dentures, including changing your eating habits, practising speaking, and exercising your facial muscles.
While dentures are built to replicate your natural teeth as closely as possible, one of the keys to getting used to wearing them is to set yourself realistic expectations.
4. Dentures require regular care
It’s just as important to regularly and thoroughly clean your dentures, as it is to clean your natural teeth. Just like the rest of your mouth, bacteria can build up on your dentures which can lead to oral health issues. By cleaning your dentures properly, you can remove the bacteria and prevent these health issues from developing.
Cleaning dentures is different than cleaning real teeth. It can be easy to clean dentures incorrectly or not regularly enough. Find the best ways to keep your dentures clean, as well as common problems with cleanliness faced by denture wearers in our best ways to keep dentures clean article.
At Kevin Manners Denture Clinics we pride ourselves on achieving optimum results for patients with regards to denture cosmetics, comfort, fit and function. To find out more about what to expect before and after getting dentures contact us for your free consultation.