Starting out on your denture journey can be quite daunting and you may have many questions that you want to clear up before you start the process of having new dentures made. Keep reading to find the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions, and watch the below clip to see George Manners going through the process of making a high-quality set of dentures.
Below are some of our most frequently asked questions:
Q: How long does the process of getting new dentures take?
Our Consultation Process usually takes four appointments from the start of treatment to the final fit stage of your new dentures. This is typically done over the course of 4 weeks but can be done in a shorter space of time if necessary. In some cases (for example, if you’re travelling far or have mobility issues) appointments can be combined to reduce the amount of visits needed.
Q: How quickly will I get used to my new dentures?
It’s likely that your new dentures will feel strange at first, especially if you are not used to wearing them, and this is completely normal. Once your facial muscles have adapted to the new shape and feel of your new dentures they should be very comfortable.
This process can take a few days for some and slightly longer for others. We are always available to contact if you feel as though you are not coping well or it has taken weeks for you to adapt and are still struggling.
Q: Will dentures affect my speech?
Sometimes you may notice slight differences with you speech. Once again, this is just whilst you’re adjusting to the new dentures and it’s perfectly normal.
Q: How should I clean my dentures?
Thorough denture cleaning is extremely important but it’s also very simple. For simple instructions on how to clean your dentures please take a look at another of our blog posts which is all about denture care and cleaning (link to care & cleaning of dentures once live).
Upon the fitting of your new smile, we provide you with our favourite, tried and tested cleaning product and advice on how to use it.
Q: How long will my dentures last?
It’s recommend that you have new dentures every 5-8 years. A new set of dentures may not always be required after this length of time but they should certainly be checked. It’s likely that after this time, they will not fit as well as they initially did, so it is always worth coming back to see us for a check up to avoid discomfort caused by an ill fitting denture.
Q: Should I sleep in my dentures?
This advice varies from case to case. We will always go over this in detail with you during your final fit appointment. The official advice here should be to remove dentures at night to give your gums a rest. However, if you do choose to sleep in them it’s important that you thoroughly clean the gums and soft tissues in the morning and evening.
Q: Will new dentures affect my appearance?
Dentures are designed specifically for you and are made to suit your face shape. It is common for them to change the way you look as there will be increased facial support with your new dentures. However, if you wish to keep the changes in appearance as minimal as possible then this is also fine and can easily be achieved.
Kevin often mimics the shape, style and position of a patient’s natural smile when shown a picture of their natural teeth when they were younger.