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How to make your dentures fit better and feel more comfortable 

Achieving the perfect fit with your dentures is the key to optimal oral health, confidence, and comfort as a denture wearer.  

Well-fitted dentures don’t just enhance daily function but also contribute to a happy, healthy smile. Here, we’ll explore the importance of proper denture fit, issues that can arise with ill-fitting dentures, and effective strategies to make your dentures feel more comfortable. 

The importance of well-fitted dentures 

Understanding why well-fitted dentures are crucial sets the foundation for our top tips and advice. From preventing discomfort to promoting overall oral health, the importance of a comfortable denture fit cannot be overstated. 

Eating and Speaking 

  • Chewing Difficulty: ill-fitting dentures can lead to difficulty in chewing, causing discomfort and affecting the ability to consume a regular diet. 
  • Speech Impairment: poorly fitted dentures may alter the alignment of the jaw and tongue, resulting in speech difficulties, including lisps or slurred speech. 
  • Loss of Confidence: the challenges in eating and speaking can contribute to a loss of confidence in social situations, impacting overall well-being. 

Discomfort and Damage 

  • Gum Irritation: ill-fitting dentures may cause friction and pressure on the gums, leading to irritation, soreness, and potential inflammation. 
  • Mouth Sores: continued irritation from ill-fitting dentures can contribute to the development of painful mouth sores and ulcers. 
  • Risk of Infection: gaps between dentures and gums can create spaces for bacteria to thrive, increasing the risk of oral infections. 
  • Bone Resorption: the prolonged use of poorly fitting dentures may contribute to bone resorption, which can threaten the structure and stability of the jaw over time. 
  • Denture Damage: Constant movement and friction of dentures against the gums can lead to wear and tear, causing damage to the denture material and reducing its lifespan. 

How to Make Your Dentures Fit Better and Feel More Comfortable 

There are a few practical tips and tricks that can help make the transition into wearing dentures easier, more comfortable, and prevent potential risks or complications from arising.  

Be sure to follow any denture aftercare advice your Clinical Dental Technician (CDT) gives you – this is one of the simplest ways to ease into wearing your dentures and will likely cover any questions or concerns you may have.  

In some cases, your dentures may require adjustments to achieve the perfect fit, but there are lots of things you can try adding to your routine to help make the adjustment period smoother. 

Good Oral Hygiene 

Develop a routine of brushing your dentures daily using a soft-bristled brush and mild denture cleaner. Additionally, maintain the cleanliness of your natural teeth and gums to prevent bacterial growth and oral health issues. 

Maintaining a good denture hygiene routine can be crucial for avoiding common discomfort, as well as more serious concerns down the line.  


Gently massage your gums with a soft toothbrush or your fingers to stimulate blood flow, reduce discomfort, and promote overall gum health. This practice aids in adapting to the sensation of wearing dentures. 

Softer Foods  

Stick to softer foods like mashed potatoes, soups, and yoghurt initially, gradually introducing firmer textures as your mouth adjusts to the dentures. This eases the chewing process and minimises discomfort. 

Gradual Use  

Start by wearing your dentures for short periods, gradually increasing the duration as your mouth gets accustomed. This gradual approach helps your muscles adapt and minimises discomfort during the adjustment phase. 

Denture Adhesive 

If recommended by your dentist, use denture adhesive to enhance stability and ensure a snug fit. This can be particularly beneficial during the adjustment period, providing extra confidence in denture retention.  

Be sure to follow the recommended application instructions and beware of overusing; denture adhesive is not a substitute for well-fitted dentures. If you experience persistent discomfort, contact your denture clinic! 

Getting used to wearing dentures  

Getting used to a new set of dentures is a process which can require patience and adjustment (whether you’re new to dentures, or not) but that doesn’t mean there aren’t ways to make the process easier.  

Following expert denture advice and being informed about your options will help you to make the right choice for a comfortable denture experience

Which Type of Denture Should You Choose? 

Understand the different types of dentures and who should consider each option: 

Full Dentures 

Description: Complete sets of dentures, designed for individuals with no natural teeth. 

Who should use them: Suitable for those who have lost all their natural teeth. 

Partial Dentures 

Description: Partial denture sets, ideal for individuals with some natural teeth remaining. 

Who should use them: Suitable for those with a few missing teeth. 

Implant-Supported Dentures 

Description: Dentures anchored by dental implants for increased stability. 

Who Should Use Them: Beneficial for individuals seeking enhanced denture stability and a more natural feel. 

Expert Insights from Kevin Manners Clinics 

At Kevin Manners Denture Clinics, you benefit from expert guidance provided by our skilled Clinical Dental Technicians, ensuring personalised care that meets your unique requirements.  

A free, comprehensive dentures consultation will deepen your understanding of the diverse options available. Beyond just dentures, our commitment extends to a wide array of dental care services, fostering overall oral health and well-being.  

At our clinics, you’ll experience a holistic approach to dental care that prioritises individualised attention and exceptional service quality. 

Discover unparalleled comfort with our expert CDTs at Kevin Manners Denture Clinics. Get tailored advice and bespoke denture services to help you find the perfect fit.  

Embrace comfort and confidence – book your free denture consultation today!